I see myself as 'emotion-Full' rather than emotional.
All the feels...
For me, postpartum looks like high anxiety, repetitive thoughts about worst case scenarios, feelings of inadequacy and overwhelm, and a short fuse. Hormones are NO JOKE! Couple that with climbing out of the hole of depression that pregnancy buried me in...and well, i had a lot of recovery and balance work cut out for me.
I rolled my eyes at oils for years until the hitting rock bottom of emotional overload eventually led me to an attitude of “I’ll try anything at this point”. And then, what started out as my last ditch effort, quickly became my go-to support.
Emotional wellness is multi-faceted and my journey to regain a sense of grounding has been filled with endless prayer, journaling, essential oil routines, thought work and scripture study. I’m grateful to be out of the hole, but i also recognize that my daily routines are critical in keeping my head space clear and focused on what really matters...because it’s so easy to slip, bad days are inevitable and anxiety is a tricky tricky beast.
Below is a video I did for an online course I was hosting earlier this year about Essential Oils & Emotions. The video took a bit of a raw and vulnerable turn as I opened up about the reality of my own emotional health and wellness. I share so openly in hopes that you will find yourself in different parts of my journey and feel inspired and perhaps even less alone.